Active substances used in disinfectants are covered by the re-assessment programmme under the Biocidal Products Regulation. While the re-assessment takes place, disinfectants used in the food industry and teat disinfectants are subject to the national rules in each member state. The transitional measures apply until all the active substances in question are approved under the scope of the Biocidal Products Regulation. In Denmark disinfectants used in the food industry and teat disinfectants are regulated by Danish Order No. 8 of 3. January 2023 on authorisation of disinfectants etc. in food establishments etc. This is called the national authorisation scheme.
Once all active substances in a specific product have been approved under the Biocidal Products Regulation the product itself needs to be authorised in accordance with the Biocidal Products Regulation. The status for the re-assessment of active substances including the date of approval in EU can be seen at the website of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA).
This implies that companies whishing to place disinfectants used in the food industry or teat disinfectants on the market shall apply for authorisation of the product before the deadline stated for the active substance in question. If a product contains several active substances it is the deadline for the latest approved active substance that is relevant.
Go to the website of the European Chemicals Agency