Foods for Specific Groups

There are specific EU rules for infant formula and follow-on formula, processed cereal-based food and baby food, food for special medical purposes and total diet replacement for weight control.

Food for specific groups are EU-regulated and have to comply with the FSG Regulation (609/2013).

The regulation aims to protect specific vulnerable groups of consumers (infants and young children, people with specific medical conditions and people undertaking energy-restricted diets to lose weight) by regulating the content and marketing of food products specifically created for and marketed to them. 

Under the regulation there are four categories of foods:

  • Infant formula and follow-on formula
  • Processed cereal-based food and baby food
  • Food for special medical purposes
  • Total diet replacement for weight control

In Denmark, there is no national legislation for these products.



Several FSG products must be notified when placing the product on the Danish market:

  • Food for special medical purposes
  • Infant formula
  • Certain follow-up formula
  • Total diet replacement for weight control

The notification consists of a copy of the label as well as the name and address of the company and must be send via e-mail to 

The company will receive an automatic receipt. The receipt is not an approval of the product.

It is the company’s responsibility that the product complies with the legislation. The DVFA can make decisions concerning the product's label, marketing and composition based on inspection.