The deadline for application for authorisation under the Biodical Products Regulation depends on the active substances used in the product. When all active substances have been approved by ECHA there will be a deadline for application for product authorisation of approximately 18 months.
When a deadline has been set for an active substance it will appear on ECHA's website as "Date of Approval".
If a product is authorised under the national authorisation scheme it can stay on the market in Denmark while product authorisation is ongoing under the Biocidal Products Regulation. However, the application for authorisation under the Biocidal Products Regulation must be submitted before the deadline set by ECHA.
If a product is not yet authorised under the national authorisation scheme and you wish to place your disinfectant on the market prior to an authorisation being granted under the Biocidal Products Regulation, then you need to apply for authorisation under the national authorisation scheme. As the processing time for handling applications at the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration is approximately 5-6 months, the application should be handed in about 6 months prior to the deadline set by ECHA. If the application cannot be processed by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration before the deadline set by ECHA, it cannot be finalised and the application fee will be lost. You will thus have to wait for the authorisation to be granted under the Biocidal Products Regulation before the product can be placed on the market.