Lists of authorised products

Lists of products authorised by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration for disinfection of surfaces in contact with food and teat disinfectants

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration updates the lists on a quarterly basis. ​

Please note that some of the listed products have now been authorised under the scope of the EU Biocidal Products Regulation. The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration will revise the lists during 2023 so they only reflect products with a national authorisation. 

The list of udder hygiene products is no longer published. As of 1. September 2019 it has no longer been required to autorise such products. Udder hygiene products authorised according to Danish Order No. 134 of 11. February 2013 may still be placed on the market under the conditions stated in the authorisation, unless otherwise decided by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.