The first phase is well underway
On January 1, 2024, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration initiated the first phase of the SSC-project between Denmark and South Africa.
In 2023, the authorities conducted a clarification of the topics that the SSC-project will include
Based hereof, the DVFA will assist South African authorities with capacity building within areas such as animal health, food loss, food safety control and responsible use of antibiotics and resistance monitoring in livestock production.
Specific areas of cooperation
The specific content has been clarified over the first quarter of 2024 in collaboration with authorities and other stakeholders in South Africa over the first quarter of 2024.
Specifically, it has been agreed that in the project's first phase, there will be cooperation on capacity building within:
- Preventing the introduction and control of animal diseases (specifically rapid risk assesment, biosecurity and contigency plans)
- Risk-based food control, registration of food business operators, and regulation of trans fats
- Revision of the national strategy for combating antibiotic resistance, monitoring of resistance, and responsible use of antibiotics in livestock production
The project will overall focus on the green transition of the food and agriculture sector in South Africa, drawing on Danish strongholds in the areas of food loss, food safety, animal health,and antibiotic use, and resistance.