Internal Audit

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration carry out internal audits as a part of the quality assurance.

Internal audits are part of the quality assurance

Internal audits are a tool for the board of directors to gain knowledge of the control systems in Danish Veterinary and Food Administration (DVFA) and of the operational implementation of the official control. Internal audits contribute to the continuously improvement and development of control system and official control in relation to objectives of Regulation 2017/625 and the strategic objectives of DVFA.

Read more about Regulation (EU) 2017/625 (

Scope of internal audits

Internal audit verifies through random samples, that the control systems processes of planning, implementation, checking and adjusting are in compliance with Regulation 2017/625.

The quality and uniformity of the operational implementation of official controls are assessed together with the suitability of the control system.

The unit - Internal Audit

DVFA has set up a special unit - Internal Audit - to conduct internal audits and the ongoing development of the national audit system in accordance with art. 6 of Regulation 2017/625. The powers and duties of the unit are described in a mandate.

Internal Audit follows the European Commission’s audit guideline and the three principles described therein:

  1. Independence
  2. Transparency
  3. Systematic approach

Read more about the European Commission guidance document for audits (

Independent scrutiny

The internal audit system is scrutinized approximately every five years. The audit is carried out by two accountants/auditors from Nordic control authorities.

The audit program for 2024

The basis of the internal audits in the DVFA is a risk-based audit program approved by the board of directors.

DVFA have planned three internal audits in 2024:      

  1. Animal welfare - broilers
  2. Surveillance of animal diseases
  3. Control in retail