The strategic sector cooperation with China

The Strategic sector cooperation (SSC) entails government to government cooperation, in which the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration functions as the Danish partner authority in different SSC projects in e.g., Latin America, Africa and Asia.

In November 2023, the Danish-Chinese partners signed an extension of the SSC project, so that it runs for another three years. The SSC cooperation in China has been ongoing since 2016.

The SSC project in China is divided into two sub-projects. The focal point of the first sub-project is food safety, with the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) as the main partner. The second sub-project focuses on resource efficiency and food loss, in collaboration with the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS).

The agricultural and food cooperation between the two countries stems from the Danish-Chinese strategic partnership - where a joint working program  is still active.

Food safety

Improving food safety is a high priority for the Chinese government, due to a strong public focus.

Based hereof, the Danish-Chinese partnership on the food safety scope of the SSC project is focused on implementation and effective control.

Resource efficiency and food loss 

The SSC project in China on resource efficiency and food loss aligns with Denmark’s sustainability and climate political priorities and correspondingly, Denmark’s existing environmental and food initiatives in China on food loss are prioritized in several of China's new action plans.