
Approximately once a year the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration carries out inspections of The Organic Cuisine Label coinciding with the standard hygiene and compliance inspection.

At the time of the inspection it is required that you or another staff member present can document the following:

  • The organic accounting-sheet, with the calculated organic percentage or the monthly inventory lists from your wholesaler or supplier.
  • Relevant documentation of the information in your accounting-sheet (electronic or physical).

The relevant documentation includes all inventory lists and documents supplied by wholesalers/shops indicating weight or value of all purchased raw materials and products. Both organic and conventional purchases must be documented.

The Food Administration´s list of food companies covered by organic inspection

When approved for the Organic Cuisine Label you are required to refer to the Danish Veterinary and Food´s list of food companies covered by organic inspection once a year. This is to ensure that your wholesaler or supplier still adhere to the organic inspections. 

Remember to save the page or the pages, where your wholesaler or supplier is listed as part of your documentation.

You can look up companies in the EU TRACES database to see if they are certified organic

Økologisk Erhvervsdrivendecertifikat - Organic Operator certificates

Once you have found your supplier, you can click on view and open the certificate as a pdf and download it.

If you can't find your organic food supplier in TRACES, you should contact the supplier immediately. You can also try to find the supplier in the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration's list ‘Organic controlled companies’. Here you can see if and when a company has ceased operations.

Find the list on the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration's page, in danish: 

Danske økologicertificerede fødevarevirksomheder

Nonconformities in your organic percentage

You can use The Organic Cuisine Label providing that the share of organic raw materials does not deviate negatively within the interval you are calculating.

Negative deviations

If the percentage of organic raw materials deviates negatively from the label specification, you are required to report the deviation to the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and immediately discontinue the use of the Organic Cuisine Label.

It will be possible to apply for a new certification with a lower organic percentage interval.

If you discontinue the use of the Organic Cuisine Label and at a later date desire to resume usage, you must submit a new application.

Positive deviations

If you are able to document a higher than currently certified organic percentage (for a minimum of three continuous months) you can apply for a certification with a higher organic percentage interval.

The application process is exactly the same as when you applied for the original certification.