Apply for the Organic Cuisine Label

When applying for the Organic Cuisine Label, you are making a difference to the world. The Organic Cuisine Label is free, state-controlled, and can be used by all professional kitchens registered in the Danish food safety scheme (Smiley).

The label shows your employees and guests the proportion of your purchased food and beverages that are organic, indicating your efforts to protect nature and groundwater, to reduce pesticides and additives, and to support increased animal welfare. You can apply for the Organic Cuisine Label in gold, silver and bronze.

De økologiske Spisemærker i 3 varianter guld, sølv og bronze

How to Apply for the Organic Cuisine Label:

To start your application you will need invoices from your suppliers for the last past 3 months.

Applying for the Organic Cusine Lable is free. 

When you click the link, you can download the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration's Excel sheet for your organic accounting.

The file contains instructions for filling out the form correctly. If you have only one supplier, you don't need to fill out an organic accounting. Simply scan and submit the previous 3 months' invoices  from your supplier.

Download the organic accounting sheet

You can apply for the cuisine label here:

Ansøg om Det Økologiske Spisemærke

The application form is in danish.

You will need to log in with NemID. When completing the form, you can attach your company's organic accounting. The accounting should cover the past 3 months and demonstrate that your kitchen falls within the requested label's organic percentage range. Each entry in the organic accounting must be traceable back to invoices and suppliers.

Traceability of an invoice for the Organic Cuisine Label refers to the ability to track and document the origin of the product. This means that producers and suppliers must trace the raw materials back to their origin and demonstrate that they meet the necessary organic standards and guidelines.

Traceability ensures that products bearing the red Ø-label are actually produced in accordance with organic principles and standards.


In your application you should indicate how often you will calculate your organic percentage going forward monthly or at least every quarter. If there are multiple departments/kitchens at the same address, it is important to note your department name.

If you need assistance with your application you can:

Watch instructional videos on "The Organic Food Label - instructional video". The video is in danish.

Sign up for one of our free, ongoing online webinars on how to apply for the Organic Cuisine Label (in danish).


Once you have applied it takes 2-4 weeks for your application to be processed. You can only advertise your eatery with your organic cuisine label once you have received your registration in e-Boks as a user of the Organic cuisine Label from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.

Find rules and terms for marketing - in danish

The label shows your employees and guests the proportion of your purchased food and beverages that are organic, indicating your efforts to protect nature and groundwater, reduce pesticides and additives, and support increased animal welfare.

Link to official law material for organic kitchens here (in danish):

Vejledning om økologisk storkøkkendrift (pdf)

You will receive your official registration form in your company e-boks within 2-4 weeks from date of application. You cannot promote your kitchen with the Organic Cuisine Label until after receiving of your registration form from the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration.

After submitting your organic accounting sheet to, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration,  some kitchens find it beneficial to keep an empty accounting-sheet to make it easy to fill out new and relevant information upon receiving invoices/inventory lists.

You can also request monthly inventory lists from your wholesaler or supplier.  

Documenting the organic percentage

As part of the application process it is essential that you indicate how often you plan to calculate your organic percentage. As a minimum it is compulsory to calculate your organic percentage every three months.

Remember to save all relevant documentation in form of invoices or inventory lists as well as the organic accounting-sheets - electronic or physical documents - for a minimum of two years.

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Sign up for one of our free, ongoing online webinars on how to apply for the Organic Cuisine Label (in danish). Here you get to know on how to apply for the Organic Cuisine Label and organic accounting.