Authorisation of Transporters for Animal Transport

You need to be authorised as an animal transporter if you transport mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians or fish, in connection with an economic activity.

The kind of authorisation depends on how many hours, you want to be able to transport the animals.

You can be authorised for:

  • Short journeys of maximum 8 hours, or
  • Long journeys exceeding 8 hours. This also include short journeys.

You don’t need to be authorised when:

  • you only transport animals on distances below 65 km.,
  • you are a farmer that transport animals for seasonal transhumance in your own vehicles, or
  •  you are a farmer that transport your own animals in your own vehicles for a distance of less than 50 km from your holding.

A copy of the authorisation shall med made available for the competent authority, when the animals are transported. 

Issuing of the Transporter Authorisation

The department Eksport Kontrol Center (EKC) of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration is responsible for the authorisation of transporters for animal transport.

Upon application, EKC will send an application form containing a declaration, EU legislation and guidance with reference to national legislation to the transporter applying for an authorisation. The transporter must fill in and sign the application form.

The transporters have to demonstrate, that they have sufficient and appropriate staff (including certificates of training and/or competence), equipment (certificate of approval for means of transport) and operational procedures at their disposal to enable them to comply with the EU legislation on protection of animals during transport, including where appropriate Good Practice Guides, as well as national legislation.

If the applicant has records of serious infringements of EU legislation and/or national legislation on the protection of animals in three years preceding the date of the application, the applicant has to demonstrate that all necessary measures to avoid further infringements have been taken.

In addition, transporters carrying out long journeys have to submit the following documents:

  • Certificates of competence for drivers and attendants carrying out long journeys
  • Certificates of approval for means of transports to be used for long journeys
  • Procedures enabling tracing/recording vehicles and contacting drivers during long journeys
  • Contingency plans

Upon receiving the signed application form and all necessary documentation, an authorisation certificate is issued, and the transporter is entered into a register. The authorisation certificate is valid for 5 years and contains information about date, file number, name and address of the transporter, authorisation number, types of animals as well as modes of transport.

List of authorised transporters carrying out long journeys