Authorities or bodies responsible for issuing documents

Here you will find authorities or bodies responsible for issuing identification documents, movement documents and other documents

Movement document for ovine/caprine species

Danis​h Vete​rinary and Food Administration

Veterinary Service
Stationsparken 31-33
2600 Glostrup
DK, Denmark
Tel: +45 72 27 69 00
Fax: +45 72 27 65 01

Print the documents on (the website is in Danish)

Movement document for bovine species

Danis​h Vete​rinary and Food Administration

Veterinary Service
Stationsparken 31-33
2600 Glostrup
DK, Denmark
Tel: +45 72 27 69 00
Fax: +45 72 27 65 01

Print the documents on (the website is in Danish)

Issuing and delivery of equine documents

Breed societies and race organizations who are recognized by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration, may issue (but not deliver) extended identification documents to horses born in Denmark.

Only SEGES Heste (SEGES Horses) can issue the standard identification documents to horses born in Denmark.

Link to the list of Danish breed societies and race organizations who are recognized by the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration

Horses born in Denmark must be identified with a Danish transponder coded with the country code ‘208’ for Denmark as the first three digits.

Only delegated bodies may deliver the identification document to the owner of the equine. Breed societies and race organizations who are not delegated bodies must send the identification document to a delegated body, in order to complete the registration of the horse in the Danish national database.

In order to find information on equines registered in the central database, CHR, please go to the register and select “Heste”. Here you can find information on the unique code, transponder code and whether the horse is excluded for human consumption or not.

Link to the Central Husbandry Register (CHR)