Authorities or bodies responsible for issuing documents

Here you will find authorities or bodies responsible for issuing identification documents, movement documents and other documents

Movement document for ovine/caprine species

Danis​h Vete​rinary and Food Administration

Veterinary Service
Stationsparken 31-33
2600 Glostrup
DK, Denmark
Tel: +45 72 27 69 00
Fax: +45 72 27 65 01

Print the documents on (the website is in Danish)


Movement document for bovine species

Danis​h Vete​rinary and Food Administration

Veterinary Service
Stationsparken 31-33
2600 Glostrup
DK, Denmark
Tel: +45 72 27 69 00
Fax: +45 72 27 65 01

Print the documents on (the website is in Danish)


Identification document for equine species

SEGES Horses

Find contact information for SEGES Horses here

Dansk Travsports Centralforbund

Find contact information for Dansk Travsports Centralforbund here

Dansk Galop

Find contact information for Dansk Galop here

Dansk Islandshesteforening

Find contact information for Dansk Islandshesteforening here


Contact point to receive the identification document for equine animals

SEGES Horses

Find contact information for SEGES Horses here