How to travel with your bird

Non-commercial movement of pet birds that are moved from third countries must comply with additional requirements. Read more about them here on this page.

In addition to the general requirements for non-commercial movement of pet animals, which is stated on the page Travelling with pet animals, there are additional requirements to non-commercial movements of pet birds being moved from third countries to Denmark (EU):

Travelling with pet animals

Contact the veterinary authorities in the country of dispatch

As it is the veterinary authority of the country of dispatch which is responsible for ensuring that EU requirements for non-commercial movement of pets animals are met, it is important that you contact the country's veterinary authority.

The Danish Veterinary and Food Administration are not aware of what the authorities of other countries can certify for, or what the health status etc. is in the country in question.

The veterinary authority of the country of dispatch will be able to inform you about the possibility of obtaining certificates etc. for the animals and other practical information.

Additional requirements for non-commercial movement of pet birds

A non-commercial movement of pet birds from third countries may only consist of up to five birds.

If you need to move more than five birds the requirements for entry of captive birds into the Union must be complied with.

Read more about the entry requirements:

Go to Import from third countries

The birds must be marked in the country of dispatch with a with a permanent, non-removable, legible individual marking displaying an alpha-numeric code.

The marking must take place prior to their isolation, test or vaccination - what ever is relevant.

Birds that enter Denmark (EU) to a quarantine facility (see more under Animal health requirements) may be moved unmarked and a description of the birds is sufficient, provided they are moved in sealed containers and remain there during the quarantine period.

Pet birds may be moved from third countries, if they comply with the following requirements:

The country of dispatch is a member of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).

Go to the WOAH website

Additionally, the pet birds must comply with one of the following requirements:

  1. They originate from a third country of territory, listed in the first column of the table set out in Part 1 of Annex V, Annex XIV or Annex XIX to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/404, where they have been kept in isolation under official supervision for at least 30 days priot to their dispatch; or
  2. they have within 6 months and no later than 60 day prior to their dispatch the EU received a complete primary course of vaccination, and where applicable were revaccinated, in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions with a licensed vaccine against avian influenza of the H5 and H7 subtypes, which must not have been a live–attenuated vaccine, and it must have been administered by an authorised veterinarian or an official veterinarian of the territory or third country of dispatch; or
  3. in the territory or third country of dispatch, they were:
    • kept in isolation under supervision of an authorised veterinarian or an official veterinarian for at least 14 days prior to their dispatch to the EU, and
    • subjected to an avian influenza H5 and H7 antigen or genome detection test carried out with negative results on a sample taken by an authorised veterinarian or an official veterinarian not earlier than the seventh day of isolation.

Furthermore, the pet birds were subjected within a period of 48 hours of or on the last working day prior to the date of dispatch from the territory or third country to a clinical inspection by an authorised veterinarian or an official veterinarian of the territory or third country of dispatch and were found to be free of any obvious signs of disease.

During the period between the clinical inspection and the dispatch from the country of dispatch the birds must not come into contact with other birds.

If test or vaccination was conducted, as described under no. 2 and 3, these must comply with the requirements of Chapter 3.3.4 in the Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrestrial Animals, 8th Edition, 2018, of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH).


If the birds cannot comply with no. 1, 2 or 3, they may be moved to the EU, if their place of destination is an approved quarantine establishment.

The owner must be able to document that a booking for the birds have been made for that quarantine establishment.

The birds can only be released from quarantine only on the written authorisation of an official veterinarian.

Under the movement to Denmark (EU) the birds must be accompanied by a veterinary certificate, based on the model given in Regulation 2021/1938.

The veterinary authority in the country of dispatch is responsible for creating the certificate.

An official veterinarian of the country of dispatch fills in and issues the veterinary certificate. Alternatively, an authorised veterinarian may fill in and issue the certificate. If so, the veterinary authority will have to endorse the certificate.

The certificate is filled in and issued on the basis of a written declaration by the owner (model is available in Regulation 2021/1938) and on basis of:

  • Booked stay in an approved quarantine establishment, if relevant.
  • A permit in accordance with article 32 (dispensation) in accordance with Regulation 2013/576, if relevant.

Pet birds that were moved to Denmark (EU) from a third country must remain in a private home or another residence within the Union, where the pet birds shall be kept under official control for at least 30 days. During this period these pet birds shall not be entered in shows, fairs, exhibitions or other gatherings of birds.

In the same period they must not be moved to another EU member state unless their place of destination is an approved quarantine establishment, and in such cases must be moved directly from the travellers point of entry into the Union to the approved quarantine establishment.